Love it.
A learning experience
Excellent Trainer
Just what I deeded to learn about when to hit, stand, split and double. Its repetion on these strategies prepares you for the real thing. It's not a game.
Doesn't track bankroll
It's a great app to grasp basic strategy under different table conditions.
I understand that it is for training, but I was genuinely shocked it doesn't include the ability to just, you know, play blackjack.
Very good trainer
Best basic strategy trainer PERIOD
If you use this app to learn and go to the casino, you will be broke. It keeps telling you to surrender and that it is incorrect to hit on hands you should definitely hit on. For example, I had a 10 and a 4. Fourteen. The dealer had a king. 10. I said to hit. It told me I was wrong and I should have surrendered. What the heck?????